Friday, January 21, 2011

Butterfly Trees

The prediction was a day full of annoyance and bad luck.

I woke up late:

But I still managed to get to the train on time looking like a wreck. Guess what? Train was half an hour late and I was sitting next to a smelly fat person.

Then I got stopped at the ticket stand to get my ticket checked. I have a yearly, I've used it all year, but it just so happens that this was the day that my concession card decides to stay at home.

After that the ticket lady kicked my ass...

After that, all the trams seemed to have stopped coming so I waited for a tram. Then I realised I didn't have the map I needed that showed me how to get to my lecture.

I arrived in the lecture 20 minutes late only to be clueless and bored shitless for the next 3 hours.

Then to sort my mind out I went to the botanical gardens. I like the botanical gardens! I found a tree full of butterflies :D

Then I went to nandos. But something was wrong.

 I had ordered my usual pequeno mini burger with no tomato and extra mayo with a side of peri peri chips. But something was wrong... very wrong...

My world had become dark. This could not be. The burger was meant to have a hard crusty bun, it was meant to be harder to eat. I enjoyed the fight involved in eating the mini burger. There was no thrill, no fun. No awesome kung fu ninja fight with my burger where I triumph by successfully consuming the evil burger.

But then I felt hungry and decided that I would just have to settle for the soft burger.

The train ride home was fun. I had much fun eating my Kinder Surprise while everyone looked at me weird :D

1 comment:

  1. Random scared stalker person ftw (Y)
    Lol at the fat stinkyvman looking like snorlax


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