Sunday, January 23, 2011


Today was a rather eventful day. I'm not sure how I'm going to write this blog post or structure it because just a few hours ago I had so much to write about and now I have nothing in my head. Like usual.

The day was a usual one, started off with me nearly sleeping my way through english tuition, hanging around and using my insulting ways to make friends. I must say it works better than standing around awkwardly. I learnt how to play pool today, I give credit to 'lance furyspike' for teaching me, at least this time I didn't stab myself in the stomach with the stick thing.

Yes I know it sounds pathetic, but the balls were intimidating me.

I had a good time spending the rest of the day with some good friends and poking people with tree branches. It's usually my attempt at breaking awkward moments, I just can't stand awkwardness. It begins with awkwardness, then my many attempts to make things un-awkward, which makes things further awkward, then followed by my frustration, then anger, then homicide. Then it becomes more awkward since everyone is dead.

Well I wanted to talk about what happened on my 17th birthday in this post. But I can't be bothered now. Maybe the next post :D


  1. I still don't get it man D:

  2. Hi fatima !
    thanks for dropping by
    do you draw all these?!
    wow, dedicatedddd!!!

  3. Kittycat says to blog more... She enjoys your blog very very much, and is very very sad that there have been no new posts. :'(

  4. Dani: Haha I wouldn't call it dedication, more along the lines of boredom.

    Kittycat: I try but then I just get bored. I have about 7 posts just sitting there as drafts.


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