Monday, May 2, 2011

Learning how to ride a bike.

This week I learnt how to ride a bike. I know... people say... seriously? Like you never learnt? Well, I didn't. But that's because I used to live up in flats and there weren't many places to ride a bike so my parents didn't find it to be a worthwhile investment. Plus I had always been more of the watch tv and be a fat kid type despite my tomboy tendencies.

I haven't updated in a loooooong time so I thought I could share a few videos of me trying to ride the bike. I'm still not that great at it as you will see in the videos but I'll get better... hopefully.

Here is a video of me attempting to do a turn (one of my first tries):

This is me actually riding the bike... kinda. I'm singing Don't Stop Me Now by Queen and the video got cut of at the point my brother was saying, "I think you should wear a helmet."

And this is me trying to distract my little brother because he's better at riding a bike than me

That's about it for now. Eat lots of cake and be happy!

Pie <3

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Pigeons are the coolest birds in the world. They're so cool and chill and walk funny :D

 I guess pigeons and I have much in common, we both walk funny and we're both pretty chill. When I'm running with my school bag it looks like I'm waddling.

I didn't have much to write but thought I should update. Here's a vid of me chasing pigeons. I sound like a lion :D

Hmm.. That's about it for now.. lets see.. here's a picture my sis tried to draw of a pigeon...


anyways... I shall try to blog soon :D

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gel Pens

Today I was cleaning my room, (it's now worse than before because I left halfway), and I found some old gel pens from years ago. I felt so excited almost as excited as I was when I first got them. When I was in grade 4 they were like the THING. All the cool people had them, the glitter ones that is. All your work had to be written with different colours, it didn't matter whether the teacher could read it or not, it just had to look glittery and sparkly.

Part of the reason it was such a craze was that we had all just recently recieved our pen licenses: A licence which lawfully allows you to do your school work in pen. Up to that point we all used pencils which was so not cool. Only those who displayed good handwriting got their pen licenses so those who didn't have theirs were laughed at.

There were three problems though. One: not everyone's parents would buy them gel pens. Two: the class had many conflicts within itself. Three: the pen license.

I eventually managed to get my pen license by behaving well for a week and not getting in trouble... Once I got my pen license I was so excited to finally be able to use gel pens for my school work.

But my days of misery were not over for now I had to overcome yet another obstacle in my path, the gel pen licenses.

The class was divided into two due to some weird fight and those "cool" kids who had gel pens only let their friend use it. They cut out little pieces of paper and wrote "gel pen license" on it and gave it to all their friends. To be able to use a friends gel pens you had to show these licenses to the owner. As expected I did not recieve one of these gel pen licenses.

Eventually I got a gel pen license from the girl who sat next to me which might have been the most exciting part of grade 4 for me.
It all changed very soon when I didn't help her cheat on a maths test. My gel pen license got taken away from me. It was the meanest thing anyone could do. I was pissed. So for the next few days I whined and begged my parents to get me my own gel pens. They wouldn't get me any so I had to take it to another level. Everywhere they looked, they saw me looking sad and helpless.

Eventually my parents gave in and I got my gel pens. When I went back to school the next day with my shiny new gel pens everyone lined up to recieve their gel pen licenses. I told them I didn't have any and everyone was allowed to use my gel pens, because I'm cool like that.

And that's how everyone became my friend *cough* slave *cough*.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Today was a rather eventful day. I'm not sure how I'm going to write this blog post or structure it because just a few hours ago I had so much to write about and now I have nothing in my head. Like usual.

The day was a usual one, started off with me nearly sleeping my way through english tuition, hanging around and using my insulting ways to make friends. I must say it works better than standing around awkwardly. I learnt how to play pool today, I give credit to 'lance furyspike' for teaching me, at least this time I didn't stab myself in the stomach with the stick thing.

Yes I know it sounds pathetic, but the balls were intimidating me.

I had a good time spending the rest of the day with some good friends and poking people with tree branches. It's usually my attempt at breaking awkward moments, I just can't stand awkwardness. It begins with awkwardness, then my many attempts to make things un-awkward, which makes things further awkward, then followed by my frustration, then anger, then homicide. Then it becomes more awkward since everyone is dead.

Well I wanted to talk about what happened on my 17th birthday in this post. But I can't be bothered now. Maybe the next post :D

Friday, January 21, 2011

Butterfly Trees

The prediction was a day full of annoyance and bad luck.

I woke up late:

But I still managed to get to the train on time looking like a wreck. Guess what? Train was half an hour late and I was sitting next to a smelly fat person.

Then I got stopped at the ticket stand to get my ticket checked. I have a yearly, I've used it all year, but it just so happens that this was the day that my concession card decides to stay at home.

After that the ticket lady kicked my ass...

After that, all the trams seemed to have stopped coming so I waited for a tram. Then I realised I didn't have the map I needed that showed me how to get to my lecture.

I arrived in the lecture 20 minutes late only to be clueless and bored shitless for the next 3 hours.

Then to sort my mind out I went to the botanical gardens. I like the botanical gardens! I found a tree full of butterflies :D

Then I went to nandos. But something was wrong.

 I had ordered my usual pequeno mini burger with no tomato and extra mayo with a side of peri peri chips. But something was wrong... very wrong...

My world had become dark. This could not be. The burger was meant to have a hard crusty bun, it was meant to be harder to eat. I enjoyed the fight involved in eating the mini burger. There was no thrill, no fun. No awesome kung fu ninja fight with my burger where I triumph by successfully consuming the evil burger.

But then I felt hungry and decided that I would just have to settle for the soft burger.

The train ride home was fun. I had much fun eating my Kinder Surprise while everyone looked at me weird :D