Sunday, June 3, 2012

Silence speaks a million words

We don't need to be told who we are. What we're capable of. What our lives have been like. The best music is without words.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


In my 18 years of being alive, I've had the previlege of meeting quite a lot of people. A few of which are still close to me. But if you asked them to describe me, or who I am, they'd all have different stories to tell. I don't want to generalise this, because it may not apply to everyone, but I try really hard to be accepted by people by trying to be someone I'm not. But while I'm trying to be all cool and happy (which doesn't really work out..ever) I guess I just ignore who I am.

To be honest, I don't even know who I am anymore, or where I want to go, or who I want to be. Sometimes I don't even want to exist. Everything and everyone in life just seems to show me the limits and boundaries I'll never be able to cross. Like I don't understand why I can't make a time machine, or travel the whole world, or touch my nose with my elbow.

So I just end up feeling trapped.. like I'm in a box that just keeps getting smaller and smaller. I don't know what the point of this post was. Actually I don't know what the point of this whole blog is. I guess I started this blog so I could just be myself, but even here I don't think I am. I actually don't own a pink dress at all.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Welcome back?

Soooo... I'm pretty sure no one reads this anymore. Unfortunately, I managed to get caught up in quite a bit since my last post and I wish to apologise to the people, if anyone, who wanted me to blog. For those of you who don't care, let's move on.
Despite nearly a year going by I'm still in the same spot as I was last year. Same old life, same old me, yay! I guess things for me take a lot of time to progress, whether it'd be a stage in life, a celebrity crush, some weird obsession with a person or thing, etc etc etc..

So yeah, I'm going to talk about my most recent obsession and my failure in moving past it. Please feel free to feel better about yourselves after reading this.

Let's call my latest obsession "Bob". Bob is just a blob. Bob the blob.

So Bob is just this regular blob, he just goes around, blobbing away, being a blob. He's cool. And yeah Bob payed attention to my existance for a while, then Bob moved on. Cuz yeah, that's what blobs do. Blobs live on their own cool planet, where it's  much cooler than here, they have yummier food, nicer blobs, more things to do.

It's quite boring compared to where I live and let's face it, I'm not the most interesting and fun person there is to know.

So anyway, I would talk to Bob on a blobaphone, which was a special kind of phone that I could use only to talk to Bob. The blobaphone didn't have great reception here on my planet so I had to continuously fix it to be able to communicate with Bob, but it was all worth it.

And then slowly, Bob didn't want to talk to me as much anymore. I went through a series of stages of getting through this new realisation.

There was the being cool and not starting conversations option. This, might I add, didn't work out very well.

Then there was me constantly informing Bob of anything mildly interesting that has happened to me, hoping that Bob would engage in a cool conversation with me.

And after all attempts would fail I would start to critisize myself.

Of course, there were those rare times where Bob would actually talk to me. It would be the highlight of my day. 

 But at the end I'd just be sad.

So I decided that desperate measures needed to be taken. First of all, I decided to throw out my blobaphone into the rubbish dump.

Unfortunately that failed, only 10 minutes after I disposed of it, I went back to find it to check if I had received any new messages on my blobaphone from Bob. This was never the case, but yet, the procedure of throwing out the blobaphone and recollecting it occured at least 20 times.

So now I'm on to my last resort of "moving on" from Bob.

I made a poster with a series of squares on it labelled 1 to 30. For each day I do not see Bob, I will draw a smiley face in a square. Cuz you know, I'm happy. Yep. Happy.

So I'm not sure what the point of this post was. Maybe you normal people relate to my Bob story, maybe not. Anyway, Bye for now.
