Monday, May 2, 2011

Learning how to ride a bike.

This week I learnt how to ride a bike. I know... people say... seriously? Like you never learnt? Well, I didn't. But that's because I used to live up in flats and there weren't many places to ride a bike so my parents didn't find it to be a worthwhile investment. Plus I had always been more of the watch tv and be a fat kid type despite my tomboy tendencies.

I haven't updated in a loooooong time so I thought I could share a few videos of me trying to ride the bike. I'm still not that great at it as you will see in the videos but I'll get better... hopefully.

Here is a video of me attempting to do a turn (one of my first tries):

This is me actually riding the bike... kinda. I'm singing Don't Stop Me Now by Queen and the video got cut of at the point my brother was saying, "I think you should wear a helmet."

And this is me trying to distract my little brother because he's better at riding a bike than me

That's about it for now. Eat lots of cake and be happy!

Pie <3